Why is my dog licking the floor

When living with a dog, you might observe them licking the floor of your home. If this behavior is temporary, it may not be a major concern. However, if the licking becomes a frequent habit, there could be various health risks involved.

In this article, we will explain why dogs lick the floor, what potential dangers it may pose, and effective measures to discourage this behavior.

Reasons Why Dogs Lick the Floor

Dogs licking the floor can be unhygienic and pose risks of illness or infection, and it can also dirty the floor itself, so it’s important to address this behavior as soon as possible.

However, without understanding why the dog is licking the floor in the first place, it is difficult to implement effective measures.

Here are some of the main psychological reasons and causes for why dogs lick the floor:

  • Wants attention or playtime from the owner
  • Feeling stressed or anxious
  • Feeling bored
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Digestive issues

If the behavior is simply due to loneliness or boredom, creating more playtime with the owner may reduce or eliminate the floor-licking behavior.You can also use a Lick Mat to address their concerns, as the licking action can help alleviate their anxiety or boredom

However, if the behavior persists despite having regular meals and sufficient playtime, it may indicate underlying issues such as hormonal imbalances or digestive problems.

Health Risks of Dogs Licking the Floor

For hardwood floors, some might think, “Is it really a problem if the dog licks them?” While it is true that hardwood is the base material, the surface is treated with waxes or coatings to make it smooth.

Repeated licking of the floor can gradually wear away these waxes or coatings, which may then be ingested by the dog, potentially causing symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea.

Additionally, floors often harbor various bacteria and viruses. When these pathogens enter the dog’s system, they can pose a risk of infections.

How to Train a Dog to Stop Licking the Floor?

Licking the floor is not a desirable behavior in dogs, so it’s important to use proper training to stop it. However, scolding too harshly or using violence can create fear and have the opposite effect.

Additionally, if you scold the dog immediately after it licks the floor, it might think that licking gets attention or playtime, potentially making the behavior worse.

Instead, when the dog licks the floor, it’s effective to ignore the behavior until it stops, and then clean or deodorize the area once the dog is calm. If the dog continues to lick the floor despite being near you, moving to another room or going outside might be beneficial.

The key to effective training is to teach the dog that licking the floor will not get attention or result in a positive outcome, and that the behavior will lead to the owner leaving. This way, the dog can learn to stop the behavior on its own.

How to Prevent Your Dog from Licking the Floor?

Even with training, it is unlikely that a dog will stop licking the floor perfectly within just one or two days.

So, what measures should be taken to ensure the dog’s safety during this period?

1、Floor cleaning

First and foremost, it’s important to keep the floor clean to ensure it is safe for your dog to lick. Remove large debris and dust from the floor, then vacuum it. After vacuuming, mop the floor with a damp cloth.

Since many floor cleaners contain chemicals that could be harmful to dogs, using just water for mopping is ideal.

2、Play together

Make sure to spend as much time playing with your dog as possible to prevent stress and loneliness. The more time the dog spends with you, the lower the risk of it engaging in behaviors like licking the floor.You can also use the GOGO Lick Mat, which is designed based on the concept of “licking” to engage and soothe your dog.

3、Use Deodorizing Spray

If your dog focuses on licking a specific area of the floor, it may be due to food spills or urine being present in that spot.

Since dogs are sensitive to even faint odors, if they persistently lick an area, use a deodorizing spray to eliminate the smell.

However, as mentioned earlier, spraying while the dog is licking can cause them to associate the behavior with attention from the owner, which might have the opposite effect.

Therefore, it’s important to apply the spray after the dog has stopped licking the area.

Additionally, choose a pet-safe deodorizing spray, as regular sprays may contain harmful substances for dogs.

4、Visit the Veterinarian

Even with persistent training, there may be times when a dog continues to lick the floor despite your efforts.

If deodorizing and increasing playtime with the dog do not improve the situation, it may indicate an underlying issue.

In such cases, it is important to visit a veterinary clinic as soon as possible.


When a dog licks the floor, there can be various underlying causes, so it’s important to address the behavior with persistent training.

If improvement is not observed, it is advisable to visit a veterinary clinic to check for any potential health issues.

Since neglecting this behavior could lead to health problems, it is also crucial to consider other measures, such as changing the location of the dog’s cage or altering the type of flooring.