When do puppies start teething

Did you know that, just like humans, dogs also have both adult and baby teeth?

In other words, there comes a time in their development when they transition from their milk teeth to their permanent teeth.

In this article, we’ll provide a clear explanation of the timing for this transition in dogs, including important points to watch for and how to handle the situation when their teeth start to fall out

Teething typically occurs between 4 to 6 months of age

Puppies typically have their milk teeth fully erupted by around 2 months of age, and they begin transitioning to their permanent teeth between 4 to 6 months. This is quite different from humans, who usually have a complete set of milk teeth by around age 3, so the difference can be surprising. It’s worth noting that puppies have a total of 28 milk teeth and will develop 42 permanent teeth. However, the number of teeth and the timing of this transition can vary among individual dogs

Important Points to Note About the Teething Period

During the teething period, you might notice changes in how your dog eats.

Unlike human children, who often let their parents know about loose or missing teeth through clear signs, dogs don’t always show these changes as obviously. It’s not uncommon to have difficulty finding the lost baby teeth, so it’s important to closely observe your dog’s eating habits when they are going through teething.

You may notice that loose milk teeth can cause discomfort or make chewing difficult, leading to changes in how your dog eats

Troubles During the Teething Period and How to Handle Them

What to Do If Your Dog Swallows a Tooth

It’s quite common for puppies to swallow a baby tooth while eating, along with their food, but generally, this is not a cause for concern. Just like in humans, the tooth will eventually be expelled in their feces after some time

Bleeding from the Area Where a Tooth Fell Out

When a baby tooth falls out, it may sometimes cause a small amount of bleeding. This bleeding is usually minimal and will naturally stop after a short time. It’s similar to a minor scratch, so there’s generally no need for concern. However, if the bleeding is excessive or doesn’t stop, there could be an underlying issue, and you should contact a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Retained Baby Teeth” Can Affect the Permanent Teeth

The timing and order of baby teeth falling out are somewhat predictable. Typically, the incisors (front teeth) will be replaced first, followed by the molars (back teeth), and finally, the canines (fangs).

However, sometimes baby teeth can remain in place longer than expected. This condition is known as “retained baby teeth” in veterinary terms. When baby teeth persist, they can create gaps between the baby teeth and permanent teeth, making it easier for plaque and tartar to accumulate. This can lead to an increased risk of periodontal disease and deteriorate oral hygiene. If you notice that retained baby teeth are causing a double row of teeth, it’s important to consult a veterinarian.

What to Do During the Teething Period

During the teething period, it’s essential to monitor your dog closely. Check to ensure that the teething process is progressing normally and that your dog isn’t causing injury to its mouth by chewing on various objects due to discomfort. Developing a habit of regularly checking your dog’s mouth from a young age will help them get used to having their mouth handled as they grow older.

Ideally, getting your dog accustomed to tooth brushing during this period can help establish a brushing routine in the future, promoting better oral and overall health. This can significantly improve their long-term well-being.


As you can see, there are several things to watch for during the teething period in dogs. Use the information provided to prevent major issues.

Why do dogs lick my face or hands

Why does a dog lick its owner’s face? Also, what do the different places a dog licks, such as the hands or face, signify? This article will provide a detailed explanation of why dogs lick their owners, including the reasons behind licking different areas and situations. It will also cover how to handle and address excessive licking, along with important considerations to keep in mind

1.Why Does a Dog Lick Its Owner?

  • Licking the Face and Mouth Area
  • Licking the Hands and Arms
  • Licking the Feet
  • Licking the Head and Ears

2.Does the Situation Affect the Reason?

  • When the Dog is Relaxed
  • During Grooming Sessions
  • When the Dog is Being Scolded

What Should You Do When Your Dog Licks You?

  • How to React When Your Dog Licks You
  • Precautions to Take When Your Dog Licks You
    • Risk of Infection
    • Possibility of Ingesting Toxic Substances
    • If Your Dog is Under Stress

3.Dealing with Excessive Licking

  • How to Stop Licking Specific Areas, Such as the Face or Mouth
  • How to Address General Licking Habits
  • How to Prevent Licking of New People



Why does a dog lick its owner?

Why do dogs lick my face or hands_picture3
Why do dogs lick my face or hands_picture3

For dogs, licking their owner is one way of communicating. Through licking, they express various emotions such as affection, trust, requests, submission, and a desire for unwanted behavior to stop. Additionally, there are specific reasons for licking different areas of the owner’s body, such as the face, mouth, hands, or feet

Licking the Face and Mouth Area

Dogs and their ancestors, wolves, share several common communication methods, and licking the face and mouth area is one of them. It is believed to be similar to the behavior of wolf pups licking their mother’s face to get food that she has regurgitated. Essentially, this behavior expresses affection, trust, and submission. However, dogs may also lick the owner’s face or mouth area when they want something or after being scolded.

Licking the Hands and Arms

When dogs lick their owner’s hands or arms, it often indicates a desire for attention, play, or a treat. Additionally, dogs may lick these areas to calm themselves or the owner.

Licking the Feet

Dogs tend to lick their owner’s feet because it is the closest part of the body to their position and because they are checking the scent.

Licking the Head and Ears

The head and ears are areas where odors, sweat, and earwax can accumulate. When dogs lick the owner’s head or ears, it can be a sign of affection. However, it may also indicate that the dog is intrigued by the smell or taste of these areas.

Do the Reasons Change with the Situation?

Dogs use licking as a form of communication, expressing various emotions and feelings through this behavior. Therefore, the reasons for licking can change depending on the situation

When the Dog is Relaxed

When your dog licks you while you’re petting them or playing together, it often signifies that they want more attention or playtime, or that they are expressing happiness and affection. Use this time to strengthen your bond with your dog.

During Grooming

Dogs might lick to communicate discomfort or a desire for the grooming to stop. If your dog enjoys grooming, they may lick as a sign of pleasure. Conversely, if they dislike it, they might lick to gently indicate they want it to end. For dogs that are not fond of grooming, try to keep the sessions short.

When Scolding the Dog

If your dog licks your face while being scolded, it generally shows a submissive gesture to indicate that they mean no harm, regardless of their actual remorse.

The preferred training method is to focus on rewarding success rather than scolding for mistakes. Ideally, your dog should experience praise for doing well, leading to their natural response of licking you out of happiness

How Should You Respond When Your Dog Licks You?

As previously mentioned, licking is a way for dogs to express emotions and gather information. Instead of scolding and pushing them away with “Stop that!”, it’s recommended to gently communicate with your dog by saying things like “What’s wrong?” or “Good dog” to engage in positive interaction

What Should You Be Cautious About When Your Dog Licks You?

Licking can pose potential issues for both the dog and the owner. Risks include the potential for infections and the possibility of the dog ingesting toxic substances. Additionally, if a dog continually licks itself, it may also be a concern

Risk of Infection

Pasteurella bacteria, commonly found in a dog’s mouth, can cause zoonotic infections. Individuals with underlying health conditions or seniors are at higher risk of respiratory infections, so it is safer to avoid allowing dogs to lick the face or mouth.

Possibility of Toxic Exposure

If a dog licks the face or mouth after consuming potentially toxic substances like chocolate, onions, or alcohol, even a small amount could pose a risk of poisoning. Dogs are particularly drawn to sweet foods, so caution is advised.

If Your Dog is Under Stress

If your dog persistently licks its own paws or body without any apparent health issues, it might be a sign of stress. Possible causes include boredom from being left alone too long or frustration from insufficient exercise or play. Consider whether these factors might be contributing to the behavior and work on addressing any shortcomings.

Cute but a Bit Persistent! How to Stop Excessive Licking

When your dog excitedly wags its tail and licks your face, it’s natural to feel happy and let them continue. However, it’s important to know how to stop excessive licking, especially if it persists or occurs with new guests

How to Stop Licking Specific Areas like the Face or Mouth

To stop your dog from licking specific areas, such as the face or mouth, you can quietly say “no” while gently covering the area with your hand or redirect their attention with toys or treats. The key is to stay calm and respond quietly. If you engage in play while trying to stop the licking, the dog might think it’s part of the game, which can make the behavior worse.

How to Reduce Licking Habits

Since dogs use licking as a way to gather information, completely eliminating the habit is challenging, but it can be reduced. Effective methods include:

  • Giving commands like “sit” or “stay” when the licking starts and rewarding the dog when they comply.
  • Ignoring the dog or walking away when they lick, and offering praise when they stop.

How to Address Licking of New People

Friendly dogs might lick the faces or hands of new people as a sign of affection or curiosity. To prevent this from causing discomfort:

  • Avoid letting the dog approach strangers too closely.
  • Have the stranger give the dog treats to shift the focus from licking the person’s face or hands to the treat.


While it’s very cute when your dog licks you, it can sometimes lead to unpleasant odors, which might make you want to refuse. You might worry about whether your dog is hurt. What should you do?

Licking is a form of communication and affection, but since dogs generally love their owners, they are unlikely to be hurt by a refusal to be licked. However, you can still engage with your dog through other means, such as play, walks, and gentle encouragement, to ensure they have a happy and fulfilling experience

Can periodontal disease be transmitted from dogs to humans, or from humans to dogs? Are there also concerns about bacteria such as those that cause cavities?

It is suggested that close contact between dogs and humans might lead to the transmission of periodontal bacteria, potentially resulting in zoonotic infections, though many aspects of this are still unclear. However, since there is a possibility of infection from bacteria such as Pasteurella, which are commonly found in a dog’s mouth, it is advisable to either prevent the dog from licking your face or wash your face and rinse your mouth if licked

Why are there family members who are licked by the dog and others who are not? What might be the difference?

Since a dog licks its owner’s face or hands as a sign of affection and trust, differences in how often this happens may depend on the typical interactions and level of trust between the dog and each family member

Is there a difference in how a dog behaves with new people compared to those who are especially important to them

Dogs that immediately lick new people are generally friendly and curious. However, as mentioned in Q3, there may be differences in the intensity and manner of licking based on the relationship between the dog and the person


The reasons why a dog licks its owner vary depending on the location and situation. Licking the face or mouth typically signifies affection and trust, while licking the hands or arms may indicate a desire for play, and licking the feet is often about checking scents. Dogs express their feelings through licking, whether they are relaxed, dislike something being done to them, or are showing submission when scolded.

While licking is a form of communication, if it becomes excessive or needs to be stopped, it’s important for the owner to guide the dog by giving commands or ignoring the behavior. Additionally, hygiene is crucial, as zoonotic diseases like Pasteurella can be transmitted from dogs to humans. If your dog licks your face or mouth, make sure to wash your face and rinse your mouth to prevent infections

Signs of stress in a dog:Causes and How to relieve anxiety

Stress is an inevitable part of human life, intricately woven into our daily existence. It arises from various external stimuli and manifests as a state of tension. These stimuli can include environmental factors like weather and noise, physical factors such as illness and sleep deprivation, psychological factors such as anxiety and worry, and social factors like interpersonal relationships and demanding work.

However, stress is not exclusive to humans; dogs experience it too. Just like us, dogs can feel stress and communicate it through various signs. By understanding the causes of stress in dogs and recognizing the signs they exhibit when stressed, we can deepen our understanding of our furry friends and ensure we don’t overlook these crucial signals.

Knowing what triggers stress in your dog, how they exhibit stress, and the methods to alleviate it will help you manage your dog’s stress more effectively. As responsible pet owners, it’s important to address and mitigate stress to maintain the well-being of our beloved companions

  • What causes stress in dogs?
  • What stress signs and behaviors do dogs show?
  • When stress becomes severe, what symptoms might occur (e.g., diarrhea, vomiting, hair loss)?
  • Can stress cause shock or death in dogs?
  • What are 4 recommended methods to relieve dog stress?
  • What are the best products and toys for relieving dog stress?
  • Summary

What causes stress in dogs?

Dogs, like humans, experience stress from various factors. They are quite sensitive animals, so even minor changes that might not bother humans can stress them out. Causes of stress in dogs include changes in how owners interact with them, alterations in the owner’s or dog’s daily routines, changes in their living environment, and encounters with things that the dog finds frightening or stressful.

Let’s look at some specific examples below.

1.Changes in the way owners interact with their dogs

One cause of stress is changes in the owner’s attitude and interactions with the dog due to factors like changes in family structure, relationships among family members, or shifts in the owner’s mood and emotions. For example:

  • The addition of new family members, such as pets or babies, leading to the owner being distracted by others.
  • The owner becoming consistently irritable and in a bad mood.
  • An increase in family arguments

2.Changes in the daily routines of the dog and owner

Next, factors include a reduction in time spent with the dog due to the owner’s work or outings, and changes in the dog’s daily routine due to shifts in the owner’s lifestyle. For example:

  • Increased time spent alone at home.
  • Reduced time for walks and play.
  • Sudden changes in meal or walk times.

3.Changes in the living environment

Changes in the living environment, such as moving to a new home or alterations in the dog’s space, can also be sources of stress. Examples include:

  • Moving to a new house.
  • Changes in the location of the dog’s crate or toilet area.
  • Noise from construction in the neighborhood.
  • Changes in temperature or humidity.

4.Situations that trigger fear, discomfort, or anxiety in dogs

Additionally, many owners may have experienced this firsthand: places the dog dislikes, such as veterinary clinics, and loud noises like fireworks or thunderstorms can also cause stress. Examples include:

  • Going to unfamiliar places or the vet
  • Hearing loud noises like thunder or fireworks

What are the signs and behaviors that indicate stress in dogs?

When dogs feel stress, they use various signals (known as calming signals) to communicate anxiety, fear, or tension, and to calm themselves. The signs of stress in dogs include:

  • Ears held back or to the sides
  • Lowering their body posture
  • Tail held low
  • Panting or frequent licking of their lips
  • Yawning
  • Frequently shifting their gaze or avoiding eye contact
  • Scratching their body
  • Sniffing the ground or floor
  • Urinating or defecating in unexpected places or at unexpected times

If these signs are not recognized by the owner and stress persists, dogs may exhibit more severe behaviors such as:

  • Repeated stress signals
  • Aggressive behaviors like growling, showing teeth, or pretending to bite
  • Panicking, such as barking incessantly, fleeing, or biting
  • Open-mouth panting
  • Drooling excessively

As stress in dogs worsens, it can lead to more severe symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and hair loss

When stress persists in dogs, it can impact their physical health and lead to symptoms or behavioral abnormalities. Chronic stress can cause issues such as:

  • Chronic Diarrhea and Vomiting: If you haven’t changed their food or treats, and medical tests show no abnormalities or treatments are ineffective, stress could be the cause.
  • Excessive Itching: Over-grooming can lead to skin inflammation and hair loss.

Additionally, sustained stress can result in:

  • Separation Anxiety: Difficulty being alone, which might manifest as destructive behavior or vocalization.
  • Excessive Barking or Fearfulness: Overreacting to stimuli or displaying heightened anxiety.
  • Compulsive Behaviors: Such as tail chasing, licking their limbs, chewing their fur, or self-mutilation.

Ignoring these symptoms can lead to severe self-injury, such as biting off their own tail or excessive licking leading to skin damage. It’s important to address stress-related issues promptly to prevent these severe outcomes

Can dogs die from stress?

Loud noises such as thunderstorms or fireworks can be extremely stressful for dogs and, in severe cases, have been reported to cause stress-induced shock leading to death. For dogs with epilepsy, intense stress from such noises can trigger seizures, which, in extreme situations, may be life-threatening

4 Recommended Methods for Relieving Dog Stress

1.Increase Walks and Playtime

Exercise is highly effective for relieving dog stress. If you notice your dog is stressed, try increasing the frequency or duration of walks. On days when outdoor walks aren’t possible due to rain or other factors, playing with toys indoors can also help alleviate stress

2.Increase Physical Affection

Physical affection from owners is essential for relieving stress in dogs. Regularly engage with your dog by speaking to them kindly and petting them. Additionally, activities like brushing and massaging can be highly effective in reducing stress

3.Create a Calming Living Environment

Providing a more calming environment for your dog can help prevent stress. An environment that is comfortable for humans may not necessarily be comfortable for dogs. While it’s important to keep their crate clean, also consider adding a towel with your dog’s scent and making other adjustments to help them feel more at ease

4.Incorporate Stress-Relief Products and Toys

Increasing walk and playtime is effective for relieving dog stress, but it can be challenging for busy owners. Chewing helps dogs alleviate stress, so using dog chews or chew toys can be beneficial. These items can help reduce feelings of loneliness and stress when your dog is left alone

The best products and toys for relieving dog stress

For mild stress in dogs, increasing walk and playtime, as well as enhancing physical affection from the owner, can help improve their stress levels. Using stress-relief toys and products during play and interaction can be even more effective.

Since dogs relieve stress through chewing, chew toys and dog chews are recommended. Additionally, toys like Kongs, which dispense treats as they are rolled, can make alone time seem shorter, engage their minds, and significantly aid in stress relief


If you notice your dog is stressed, first look for any changes in their environment or routine that may have occurred before or after the stress signs appeared. If you identify a potential cause, try to eliminate it to reduce your dog’s stress.

If the stressor, such as the addition of a new family member, cannot be removed, consider gradual desensitization training or consult your veterinarian for possible medication options

Why do dogs get hiccups? Causes and solutions

Hiccups in dogs can sometimes be subtle, with their upper body twitching briefly and making no distinct sound, so you might not notice them right away.

Generally, hiccups are a natural physiological response and are not a cause for concern if they resolve quickly. However, if they occur frequently, it’s a good idea to take some measures to address them

  • What Causes Hiccups in Dogs?
  • Possible Medical Conditions That Could Cause Hiccups
  • The Possibility of Reverse Sneezing
  • How to Handle Hiccups

What Causes Hiccups in Dogs?

Hiccups in dogs occur when the diaphragm—a muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen—spasms, just like in humans.

The exact cause of diaphragm spasms is not clear, but it is believed that some form of irritation to the diaphragm or stress might be involved.

Irritation to the Diaphragm

In dogs that eat quickly, the rapid intake of food can cause the stomach to expand suddenly, which in turn stimulates the diaphragm. Exercise immediately after eating can lead to gas buildup in the stomach, causing it to expand further, so it is important to be cautious about both rapid eating and post-meal exercise. Additionally, if the food itself is not suitable for the dog, it may take longer to digest, potentially leading to increased gas production.


One of the nerves controlling the diaphragm is the sympathetic nerve. When a dog experiences stress, such as environmental changes or the presence of visitors, the sympathetic nerve can become tense, which may trigger hiccups.

Possible Medical Conditions That Could Cause Hiccups

Medical conditions that could potentially cause hiccups include respiratory issues such as pneumonia or asthma, gastrointestinal disorders like gastroenteritis or gastric dilation-volvulus syndrome, foreign body ingestion, and tumors.

If hiccups persist for a long time and are accompanied by difficulty breathing or vomiting, it is advisable to consult a veterinary clinic

The Possibility of Reverse Sneezing

If you’ve never seen a dog’s hiccups before, you might mistake them for reverse sneezing.

Reverse sneezing is a spasm where the dog repeatedly inhales air, making a distinct “honking” or “snorting” sound. Unlike relatively quiet hiccups, reverse sneezing involves the dog suddenly making loud nasal noises while taking in air multiple times.

In contrast to sneezing, which can be accompanied by symptoms like nasal discharge or coughing depending on the cause, reverse sneezing rarely presents with additional symptoms.

How to Handle Hiccups

For humans, methods like surprising them or patting their back are sometimes used, but these should not be applied to dogs.

Most of the time, hiccups will resolve within a few minutes, but if they persist, you can try the following methods:

Petting the Belly or Throat

Gently pet your dog’s belly or throat to help them calm down. It’s important for you to stay calm as well, as your anxiety can make the dog feel more stressed.

Encourage Distracting Activities

Try to distract your dog by letting them breathe fresh air, giving commands like “sit,” or showing them their favorite toy. Redirecting their attention might help stop the hiccups.

Allow Them to Lick Water or Treats

Apply a bit of water or a paste-like treat to your finger or a lick mat and let them lick it. This can help regulate their breathing and potentially stop the hiccups.

A lick mat is a textured tool where you can spread treats. It helps keep your dog calm and distracted, which may aid in stopping the hiccups

Preventive Measures for Hiccups

Preventing hiccups 100% is challenging, but you can potentially reduce their occurrence by addressing fast eating and stress.

Review the Food

If your dog frequently gets hiccups after meals, consider adjusting their feeding routine or changing the food. To prevent fast eating, try reducing portion sizes and increasing the number of meals, using specially designed slow feeder bowls, or employing puzzle toys that dispense food as they roll. If the food’s shape or size isn’t suitable for your dog, switching to a different type might help. Also, avoid giving extremely hot or cold food, as this can upset the stomach.

Reduce Stress

Stress can significantly impact your dog’s health, including causing hiccups. Identify what stresses your dog and work to improve their environment. Signs of stress include excessive yawning, tail-chasing, or constant licking of their paws. Help alleviate stress by providing regular walks and engaging playtime with toys to keep them relaxed and content.


Hiccups in dogs are generally not life-threatening, but it is possible that what seems like hiccups could actually be a seizure or another type of episode. If you are unsure or if the symptoms are concerning, it’s a good idea to record a video and consult with a veterinary clinic for a professional evaluation

Why does my dog have diarrhea? 6 causes and solutions

Diarrhea in dogs can be a complex symptom caused by various factors, including changes in diet, psychological stress, ingestion of foreign objects, viral infections, parasitic infestations, or other underlying health conditions.

When a beloved pet shows signs of diarrhea, it can understandably worry their owner. In this article, we will explore the main causes of diarrhea in dogs and provide advice on how to address and prevent this issue. If you’re dealing with diarrhea in your dog, this guide will offer useful insights and solutions to help you manage the situation effectively

Main Causes of Diarrhea in Dogs:

  1. Diet
  2. Stress
  3. Ingestion of Foreign Objects
  4. Viruses
  5. Parasites
  6. Diseases

How to Handle Diarrhea in Dogs:

  1. Limit exercise and keep the dog at rest at home.
  2. Reduce the amount of food and water.
  3. Visit a veterinarian.

When to Seek Immediate Veterinary Care: Certain dangerous types of diarrhea require prompt attention. If your dog’s diarrhea is severe, persistent, or accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting, lethargy, or blood in the stool, it’s crucial to get them to a vet as soon as possible.

Preventing Diarrhea in Dogs:

  1. Provide a diet that is suitable for your dog.
  2. Be cautious of scavenging during walks.
  3. Schedule regular veterinary check-ups.

Conclusion: Understanding the causes and proper management of diarrhea in dogs can help you address the issue effectively and prevent future occurrences.

Main Causes of Diarrhea in Dogs

First, the main causes of diarrhea in dogs are as follows:

  • Diet
  • Stress
  • Ingestion of Foreign Objects
  • Viruses
  • Parasites
  • Diseases

Each of these causes will be explained in detail

1. Diet

Proper nutritional management is crucial for dogs, and the freshness of their food plays a significant role. Expired or old food can become a breeding ground for microorganisms, which may produce toxins that can lead to diarrhea in dogs.

Food that has undergone oxidation or has degraded in nutritional value can irritate the dog’s digestive system and potentially cause diarrhea. When introducing a new food to your dog, it’s important to do so gradually to avoid digestive upset, as sudden changes, high-fat foods, or overeating can lead to diarrhea.

Additionally, food allergies can trigger gastrointestinal symptoms, including diarrhea. Human food can also be problematic for dogs, so it’s important to be cautious when sharing your meals with them, as it may not be suitable for their digestive system.

2. Stress

Just like humans, dogs can experience gastrointestinal issues due to stress, which can lead to diarrhea. Common stressors for dogs include:

  • Moving to a new home or being left alone for extended periods
  • Changes in family structure
  • Construction work nearby
  • Storms or loud noises like thunderstorms
  • Seasonal changes or significant temperature fluctuations between day and night

If you identify any of these stressors, try to alleviate them as much as possible.

3. Ingestion of Foreign Objects

Accidentally ingesting non-food items, human medications, or supplements can cause diarrhea in dogs. Additionally, dogs sometimes scavenge rotten food from trash cans, which can also lead to diarrhea.

Ingesting foreign objects may result in diarrhea and often causes vomiting. If your dog has swallowed something it shouldn’t have, it’s essential to seek veterinary care promptly, as emergency treatment might be necessary.

4. Viruses

Infections from viruses such as parvovirus, coronavirus, or canine distemper virus can cause diarrhea in dogs. Puppies with immature immune systems and older dogs are particularly vulnerable to severe symptoms and complications from these viruses. Vaccination can often prevent these viral infections, so regular vaccinations are recommended.

5. Parasites

Parasites like roundworms, coccidia, and Giardia are known to cause diarrhea in dogs. Infection can occur through ingestion of parasite eggs from contaminated soil or food and, in some cases, can be transmitted through maternal milk to puppies.

In addition to diarrhea, parasites can cause other symptoms such as poor coat condition, abdominal bloating, and weight loss.

6. Diseases

Diarrhea in dogs can be a symptom of underlying diseases. Conditions such as chronic pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and gastrointestinal tumors like lymphoma can negatively impact the digestive tract and often lead to diarrhea. When disease is the cause, accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment are essential

How to Handle Diarrhea in Dogs

If your dog is experiencing diarrhea, you should take the following steps:

  1. Limit Exercise and Keep the Dog at Rest at Home
  2. Reduce the Amount of Food and Water
  3. Visit a Veterinarian

Let’s look at each of these measures in detail.

1. Limit Exercise and Keep the Dog at Rest at Home

If your dog is energetic, short walks are generally fine, but make sure not to overexert them and avoid situations where they might ingest harmful substances. Be cautious of scavenging and accidental ingestion during walks.

2. Reduce the Amount of Food and Water

With diarrhea, temporarily withholding food and water can give the intestines a chance to rest and recover from inflammation or irritation. However, this approach may not be suitable for all dogs.

Puppies and dogs with underlying health conditions require special care, as they are more susceptible to hypoglycemia and may need prompt treatment. Always consult with your veterinarian before implementing fasting or water restriction.

3. Visit a Veterinarian

If your dog has diarrhea but is otherwise active and eating well, you might monitor them at home. However, seek veterinary care if:

  • The diarrhea is frequent
  • It is watery or jelly-like
  • It has lasted for several days
  • There is a loss of appetite or energy
  • Vomiting occurs

…and other concerning symptoms.

When to Seek Immediate Veterinary Care for Diarrhea

If your dog is experiencing diarrhea and exhibits any of the following symptoms, it is crucial to seek veterinary care immediately:

  • Frequent watery diarrhea
  • Blood in the stool (bloody diarrhea)
  • Black stools (melena)
  • Jelly-like diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite or energy
  • Weight loss
  • Diarrhea lasting more than three days

These symptoms may indicate infections, parasites, gastrointestinal disorders, or other serious health issues. Prompt action can lead to early detection and treatment, which may speed up your dog’s recovery

How to Prevent Diarrhea in Dogs

To prevent your dog from getting diarrhea, the following preventive measures are effective:

  1. Provide a diet that is suitable for your dog.
  2. Be cautious about scavenging during walks.
  3. Schedule regular veterinary check-ups.

Let’s look at each preventive measure in detail

1. Provide a Diet Suitable for Your Dog

When introducing a new food or diet, it’s important to do so gradually to consider your dog’s digestive system. Follow these steps:

  • Start with Small Amounts
    Mix a small amount of the new food into your dog’s current diet and monitor their digestive response.
  • Gradually Increase Amounts
    Over several days, slowly increase the proportion of the new food while decreasing the old food. This allows your dog’s digestive system to adjust.
  • Observe Your Dog’s Reaction
    Watch for any signs of digestive upset, such as diarrhea or vomiting, while transitioning to the new food.
  • Manage Stress
    Provide a calm environment to prevent stress, which can trigger digestive issues and diarrhea.

Managing stress and making gradual changes in diet are crucial not only to prevent digestive upset but also to maintain your dog’s overall health and well-being.

2. Be Cautious About Scavenging During Walks

Dogs often ingest foreign objects accidentally, which can lead to diarrhea. In some cases, urgent treatment may be needed.

Tips to Prevent Scavenging:

  • Control the Leash
    Keep the leash short to prevent your dog from accessing items on the ground.
  • Training
    Teach and train commands like “leave it” to discourage eating things they shouldn’t.
  • Distract
    Use toys or treats to redirect your dog’s attention if they attempt to scavenge.
  • Regular Health Checks
    During walks, check your dog’s mouth and body for any ingested foreign objects.

3. Schedule Regular Veterinary Check-ups

Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial for preventing diarrhea. These visits help monitor your dog’s health through vaccinations and routine checks. Regular consultations with your vet enable early disease detection and appropriate action, which can prevent the occurrence of diarrhea. Regular check-ups are essential for maintaining your dog’s health.


In this article, we discussed the main causes of diarrhea in dogs, as well as how to manage and prevent it. Diarrhea is a common issue in dogs with various potential causes. While mild cases can often be managed at home, severe cases accompanied by vomiting or loss of appetite may require more intensive treatment and ongoing care. Regularly observe your dog’s condition and consult a veterinarian promptly if you notice any abnormalities

How to get your dog to eat slower?

Is your dog’s fast eating a concern? It can be worrisome when they gulp down their food quickly or end up vomiting it afterward.

Eating too fast can make it harder for them to feel full, which often leads to overeating and can contribute to obesity. Additionally, if they drink a lot of water right after eating rapidly, it may cause conditions such as gastric dilation or volvulus, depending on their breed and other factors. To ensure your dog’s health, it’s important to address and prevent fast eating. Here’s a guide on how to improve and prevent this issue

  • Fast Eating is a Dog’s Habit
  • The Risks of Eating Too Quickly
  • Improve by Reviewing Meal Frequency and Feeding Methods
  • Enhance the Feeding Environment
  • When to Visit the Vet
  • Summary

Fast eating is a natural habit for dogs

Not chewing properly and swallowing food whole is not merely a matter of poor manners but can be considered a natural instinct for dogs. The ancestors of domestic dogs, wolves, lived in packs and relied on teamwork to hunt and consume large prey.

If they ate slowly, they might end up without any food for themselves. Moreover, there was no certainty about when they would have another opportunity to hunt. This survival instinct to eat quickly has been passed down through generations and is still evident in domestic dogs toda

Addressing the Risks of Eating Too Quickly

Of course, just because it’s a natural instinct doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be addressed. Eating too quickly carries various risks.

Increased Risk of Obesity

When dogs eat too quickly, they may not feel full as quickly. This can lead them to look up at their owners with pleading eyes, as if asking for more food. Owners might then think their dog didn’t get enough and add more food to their bowl. This cycle can eventually lead to overeating and obesity.


Immediately after eating too quickly, dogs might vomit the food they just consumed. This is often not true vomiting but “regurgitation,” and if the dog remains lively and otherwise healthy, it’s usually not a major concern. However, frequent regurgitation can make it difficult for the dog to absorb nutrients and can put stress on the stomach.

Risk of Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus (GDV)

When dogs gulp down dry food quickly, they also swallow a lot of air. If they then drink a large amount of water, the stomach can fill with both air and liquid, leading to gastric dilatation. A swollen stomach is more prone to rotation, which increases the risk of gastric torsion, a very dangerous condition. Although the exact cause of GDV is not fully understood, rapid eating is believed to be a contributing factor. The risk is especially high after intense exercise right after eating.

Risk of Choking

Eating too quickly can also increase the risk of choking. This is a particular concern for older dogs or puppies, who may have weaker swallowing reflexes.

Review and Improve Meal Frequency and Feeding Methods

Check Meal Frequency and Amount

If you are feeding your dog only once a day, they may become too hungry. Try increasing to two meals per day. Puppies should be fed three to four times a day. Also, ensure that the amount of food is not too little by checking the feeding guidelines on the package.

Change the Dish or Use Toys

Consider switching to a slow feeder bowl. There are bowls with ridges designed to prevent fast eating. If you don’t want to buy a new bowl, you can scatter the food on a tray to slow down eating.

Another option is to use interactive toys that dispense food as the dog pushes them with its nose or paws. Toys like KONGs, which can be filled with food, not only help prevent fast eating but also alleviate boredom as they roll around.

Providing several toys and placing them around the room can turn mealtime into a treasure hunt game. Be mindful of the toy size—if it’s too small, the dog might swallow it. Always choose toys that are appropriate for your dog’s size.

Soften Dry Food

For dogs who eat too quickly and don’t feel full, try soaking the dry food in water. Soaked food can make your dog feel fuller and help reduce fast eating and overeating. It also helps prevent excessive drinking of water after eating.

Soaking food can also help older dogs who might not drink enough water, thus preventing dehydration. Keep in mind that soaked food spoils quickly, so be sure to clean up any leftovers promptly

Improve the Eating Environment

When dogs eat alongside other dogs, they can become competitive and eat rapidly. This can lead to issues like one dog trying to eat another dog’s food, which can create conflicts.

While it may be cute to see dogs eating together, it’s not ideal for their eating environment.

If you have multiple dogs or other animals like cats, it’s best to feed them in separate rooms or in their own crates or cages to allow them to eat calmly without distractions.

Some dogs are also sensitive to the presence of their owners or small children. If a dog becomes anxious or eats too quickly because someone is watching, try observing from a distance to help them eat more slowly.

When to Visit the Veterinarian!

Visit the Veterinarian if You Notice the Following Symptoms After Fast Eating:

  • Excessive drooling
  • Restlessness or inability to settle down
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Rapid or labored breathing
  • Persistent attempts to vomit without producing anything

Additionally, if symptoms persist such as vomiting or lethargy despite improvements in eating habits, you should also consult a veterinarian.


Fast eating in dogs can lead not only to obesity but also to issues such as choking and gastric torsion. To address this, consider changing the environment to promote slower eating. This can include increasing the number of meals to twice a day, using different types of bowls or feeding methods, and feeding multiple dogs separately if you have more than one. By making these adjustments, you can help ensure your dog eats more slowly and safely.

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