Dog Bloat Symptoms:Symptoms, and Countermeasures

Gastric torsion (also known as gastric volvulus) is a dangerous condition where the stomach twists and rapidly deteriorates the overall health of the dog.

It is more common in large dogs but can also occur in small dogs. Risk factors for developing this condition include diet, feeding practices, and lifestyle. Creating a safer environment and taking preventive measures can help reduce the risk

What is gastric torsion in dogs? What kind of disease is it?

“Gastric torsion” refers to a condition where the stomach twists due to expansion caused by some factors. A bloated stomach, like a balloon, can compress surrounding blood vessels, leading to circulation issues and shock symptoms. Immediate emergency treatment is required.

What are the symptoms?

Often, the dog may suddenly appear unwell despite having been fine just moments before.

Early Symptoms:

  • Abdominal bloating: Gas accumulates in the twisted stomach, causing the abdomen to appear swollen. However, the swelling might not be visible due to rib compression.
  • Pale mucous membranes: Gums and tongue may appear bluish due to cyanosis from circulation issues.
  • Panting and labored breathing: Pain, circulation problems, or pressure on the lungs from the bloated stomach can cause rapid and shallow breathing.
  • Dry heaving and retching: Repeated attempts to vomit without producing any vomit, known as “dry heaving,” is a significant sign. This is more concerning than regular vomiting and indicates a higher risk of gastric torsion or dilation. (Vomiting with actual content can also occur in these conditions.

All of the above are early symptoms of gastric torsion, and even at this initial stage, they are very dangerous signs. Immediate veterinary attention is necessary

As the condition progresses…

Gastric necrosis or peritonitis may occur. Abnormal circulation can lead to shock, lethargy, breathing difficulties, and even multiple organ failure. If treatment is delayed, it can be fatal.

If gastric torsion occurs, prompt treatment as soon as possible is crucial. The twisted stomach is unlikely to return to normal on its own, so avoid waiting at home.

Gastric torsion often happens due to stress from unusual activities, such as during holidays, and is also more common at night. It may occur when your regular veterinarian is closed.

If you suspect gastric torsion, seek immediate care at the nearest available hospital or emergency clinic without waiting for regular office hours.


The underlying causes are not always clear, but known risk factors for gastric torsion include:

Splenectomy: Dogs that have had their spleen removed, often due to tumors, are more prone to gastric torsion. Surgical procedures like gastropexy may be performed to prevent this condition. For dogs with a history of splenectomy, careful management of feeding and post-meal activity is advised.

Overeating: Eating large amounts at once or stealing food can lead to rapid stomach expansion, increasing the risk of gastric dilation and torsion.

High food bowl placement: While elevated bowls may help with conditions like megaesophagus, it’s generally better for bowls to be at a lower height unless medically necessary.

Stress: Events like staying at a pet hotel or traveling can trigger gastric torsion due to stress-induced changes in stomach motility.

Nervous temperament: Dogs deemed “timid” by their owners are reported to be about 2.5 times more likely to experience gastric dilation and torsion.

Age: Middle-aged to older dogs are more commonly affected. Insurance data shows an increase in claims for dogs over six years old.

Dogs that have had a splenectomy: The spleen, located next to the stomach, may be removed due to tumors or other treatments. Dogs that have undergone spleen removal are more prone to gastric torsion. During spleen surgery, a gastropexy may sometimes be performed to prevent torsion. For dogs with a history of splenectomy, it is important to carefully manage feeding and post-meal activity to reduce the risk.

Is it okay if a puppy’s abdomen is bloated?

Puppies often have noticeable abdominal bloating after eating due to their underdeveloped physique and abdominal muscles. This is usually normal, as long as the puppy is energetic, not showing signs of nausea, and the bloating subsides after a few hours.

It is important for puppies to eat well, so ensure they receive adequate amounts of food.

However, if the puppy appears lethargic, shows signs of nausea, or vomits repeatedly, caution is needed. While gastric torsion is rare in puppies, ingestion of foreign objects can cause toxicity or intestinal obstruction, leading to symptoms similar to gastric torsion. In such cases, seek veterinary care immediately.

Diagnosis and Testing

Gastric dilation and torsion are diagnosed based on clinical symptoms, abdominal bloating, and pain detected during physical examination. X-rays and blood tests are also performed to assess the overall condition of the dog.

On X-rays, air appears black, so a gas-filled, bloated stomach will look like a large black balloon. Twisting may be seen as an “8” shape or as a shelf-like appearance.

Blood tests often reveal low potassium levels, which require urgent correction through intravenous fluids.

X-rays, blood tests, and emergency treatment for gastric torsion can usually be handled at many veterinary clinics, not just large specialty hospitals. If abnormalities are suspected, it’s advisable to consult your regular veterinarian or a nearby animal hospital.

What are the treatment options if it occurs?

Hospitalization is typically required, and surgery is often necessary.

  • Intravenous fluids and blood pressure maintenance: To stabilize the dog’s condition, intravenous fluids are used, especially if there is shock or low blood pressure. If fluids alone are insufficient to raise blood pressure, medications like inotropes may be added.
  • Gastric decompression: The bloated stomach can cause severe pain, circulatory issues, and pressure on other organs. To relieve this, the gas is removed either through an oral tube or by inserting a needle into the abdomen.
  • Gastric reduction: Since the recurrence rate with only medical treatment is very high (70-80%), surgery is generally performed for definitive treatment. Surgery reduces the recurrence rate to less than 10%. It involves opening the abdomen to correct the twisted stomach and stitching it to the abdominal wall to keep it in place. If the stomach has become necrotic due to loss of blood flow, partial resection of the stomach or removal of the spleen may be needed.

In cases where the dog’s overall condition is poor and surgery is deemed too risky or not immediately possible, emergency measures such as placing a gastrostomy tube for gas relief may be used to stabilize the dog while monitoring the situation.

What are the prevention methods?

Feeding Guidelines

  • Choose food size appropriate to body size: Reports suggest that dogs given very small food pellets (less than 5mm in diameter) are at a higher risk for gastric torsion, possibly due to rapid stomach expansion and increased air swallowing. On the other hand, larger food pellets (30mm or more) are associated with a lower risk of torsion, particularly in large breeds like Great Danes, as they require more chewing and thus encourage slower eating.

If specific therapeutic diets limit your options and you can’t choose pellet size, try dividing meals into smaller portions throughout the day or slow feeder dog bowl.

  • Avoid binge eating: Rapid stomach expansion from overeating increases the risk of torsion. Instead of feeding once a day, divide meals into two or more portions.
  • Prevent food theft: Stealing and consuming large amounts of food can strain the digestive system. Store food out of the dog’s reach. If a dog consumes a large amount, keep them calm for half a day and monitor for sudden lethargy, abdominal pain, or dry heaving.

Feeding Bowl Adjustments

  • Keep the food bowl low: Unless needed for medical reasons like swallowing difficulties, keep the food bowl on the floor.
  • Use anti-gulping bowls or enrichment toys: Special bowls with obstacles to prevent fast eating are available. Toys that dispense food slowly as the dog plays can also help. These are beneficial for dogs that tend to eat quickly.

Post-Meal Activity

Post-meal walks: Gentle walking can aid digestion, so a slow walk is not necessarily harmful. However, for energetic or bouncy dogs, it may increase the risk of torsion. Light walking to encourage bowel movements is generally fine, but for more active play or exercise, wait until at least 4 hours after eating. Avoid feeding the dog immediately after vigorous exercise; wait about an hour after the activity to feed.

Rest after eating: Food moves from the stomach to the intestines about 3-4 hours after eating. To avoid stress on the stomach, limit exercise for 1-2 hours after eating. Wait at least 4 hours before engaging in vigorous activities.

Monitor Stress from Environmental Changes

  • Travel and pet hotels: Gastric torsion can occur due to stress from staying at pet hotels, family trips, or long drives. Before traveling, find and note the nearest veterinary clinic in case of an emergency. In resort areas with fewer veterinary options, consider choosing destinations carefully if you think the risk is high.

When in unfamiliar environments, try to divide meals into smaller portions and allow more frequent breaks to help prevent health issues.

  • Minimize stress: Mental stress can stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, disrupting digestion and stomach function. Nervous or anxious dogs are more prone to gastric torsion and dilation, so ensuring they remain relaxed and comfortable can help reduce the risk.


Gastric torsion often requires urgent treatment or surgery if it occurs. You can reduce the risk through proper feeding and lifestyle habits, so it’s important to be cautious and proactive in your daily care.

Why is my puppy drooling so much

When you have a dog, there may be moments when you notice that your beloved pet is drooling more than usual. Just like us humans, who might drool at the sight of delicious food, dogs can also drool excessively for various reasons. In fact, if your dog is drooling more than usual, it might indicate a potential health issue.

In this article, we will explain the reasons why dogs drool and the signs of drooling that require attention. If you’ve recently noticed that your dog’s drooling has increased, please use this information as a reference.

  • 6 Reasons Why Dogs Drool
  1. Hunger
    Because they are hungry
  2. Relaxation
    Because they are relaxed
  3. Taste or Irritation
    Because they feel bitterness or irritation
  4. Heat
    Because the weather is hot
  5. Stress
    Because they are stressed
  6. Illness or Discomfort
    Because they are sick or unwell
  • 8 Possible Diseases Associated with Excessive Drooling
  1. Periodontal Disease / Gingivitis
  2. Heatstroke
  3. Stomatitis
  4. Gastritis / Foreign Body Ingestion
  5. Oral Tumors
  6. Epilepsy
  7. Pharyngitis
  8. Poisoning
  • 3 Ways to Identify Potential Illness from Drooling
  1. Persistent Drooling
    The drooling does not stop
  2. Foamy Drool
    The drool contains bubbles
  3. Unpleasant Odor
    The drool has a bad smell
  • Recommended Foods and Supplements for Hormonal Balance
  • Summary

6 Reasons Why Dogs Drool

The main reasons why dogs drool are as follows:

  1. Hunger
  2. Relaxation
  3. Taste or Irritation
  4. Heat
  5. Stress
  6. Illness or Discomfort

Let’s look at each reason in detail.

Reason 1: Hunger

When a dog is hungry and sitting in front of a meal or waiting for food, drooling may increase. This is a natural response to help with digestion preparation and is generally not a cause for concern.

Reason 2: Relaxation

When a dog is sleeping or relaxing with its owner, the parasympathetic nervous system becomes more dominant, leading to an increase in thin saliva to keep the mouth moist. This can result in the dog drooling more.

Reason 3: Taste or Irritation

After a dog licks or ingests irritants like detergents or bitter medicines, drooling may increase. This is because the mouth produces more saliva in response to the unpleasant taste or irritation. Generally, providing ample water and food can help the dog calm down. However, if the dog has ingested something harmful, it’s important to consult a veterinarian promptly for professional advice.

Reason 4: Heat

Unlike humans, dogs cannot sweat to regulate their body temperature. When it gets hot, they cool down by opening their mouths, sticking out their tongues, and panting. As they pant, the saliva in their mouths evaporates along with their breath, helping to lower their body temperature. However, since their mouths are open, this can also result in increased drooling.

Reason 5: Stress

In unfamiliar settings like a veterinary clinic or a new park, dogs may drool more due to stress and anxiety, often accompanied by signs such as trembling or rapid breathing. Storms or thunder can also cause increased drooling.

To ease your dog’s anxiety, try to remove the stressor if possible. If that’s not feasible, using favorite treats, toys, or a lick mat can help them relax and feel more at ease.

Reason 6: Illness or Discomfort

Increased drooling can be a sign of various health issues in dogs. Pay particular attention if your dog shows symptoms such as:

  • Stomatitis
  • Periodontal disease
  • Laryngitis
  • Gastritis
  • Bloat
  • Heatstroke
  • Epilepsy
  • Ingested foreign objects

If your dog also exhibits symptoms like bad breath, loss of appetite, fever, seizures, or nausea, it’s important to visit a veterinarian promptly.

8 Diseases Associated with Excessive Drooling in Dogs

The 8 diseases associated with excessive drooling in dogs are as follows:

  1. Periodontal Disease / Gingivitis
  2. Heatstroke
  3. Stomatitis
  4. Gastritis / Foreign Body Ingestion
  5. Oral Tumors
  6. Epilepsy
  7. Pharyngitis

Let’s look at each disease in detail.

1. Periodontal Disease / Gingivitis

In cases of periodontal disease or gingivitis, increased drooling can be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Swollen, red gums with bleeding or pus
  • Presence of tartar
  • Strong bad breath
  • Difficulty eating or decreased appetite
  • Scratching or rubbing the mouth excessively
  • Making smacking noises

Additionally, the mouth may appear different than usual, and the dog might experience nausea.

2. Heatstroke

Excessive drooling in dogs can be a sign of heatstroke. When temperatures and humidity rise suddenly, a dog’s body temperature can increase rapidly, leading to heatstroke as their body struggles to regulate temperature.

In addition to excessive drooling, symptoms of heatstroke include rapid breathing, redness of the tongue and mouth, vomiting, and diarrhea. If you suspect heatstroke, it’s crucial to seek veterinary care immediately. Delayed treatment can worsen the condition and, in severe cases, can be life-threatening.

3. Stomatitis

Stomatitis is a general term for inflammation of the mucous membranes in the mouth, including gingivitis. It can have various causes and may present with symptoms other than drooling, such as loss of appetite, bad breath, and severe pain. Affected dogs may dislike having their mouth touched, or they may stop yawning midway.

The drool may also appear thicker than usual or contain blood.

4. Gastritis / Foreign Body Ingestion

If vomiting accompanies excessive drooling, it could indicate gastritis or the ingestion of a foreign object. In cases where the ingested object is toxic or sharp, prompt veterinary attention is necessary. Immediate treatment is essential for your dog’s safety, so consult a veterinarian as soon as possible.

5. Oral Tumors

Oral tumors can be benign or malignant. Malignant tumors may cause pain and difficulty keeping the mouth closed, leading to increased drooling. Other symptoms include a sudden decrease in food intake, bleeding from the gums or mouth, and worsening bad breath.

6. Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that often presents as seizures. Increased drooling can be a prelude to a seizure. Other signs may include excessive licking of the tongue, unstable behavior, and restlessness. If a seizure occurs, record the symptoms and consult a veterinarian once the dog stabilizes. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are crucial for managing the condition.

7. Pharyngitis

Pharyngitis involves inflammation of the area at the back of the throat, near the esophagus or trachea. Causes may include infections (viruses or bacteria), inhalation of toxic substances like cigarette smoke or car exhaust, injury from foreign objects, or tumors. Symptoms include excessive drooling, swelling of the throat and lymph nodes, coughing, and breathing difficulties.

8. Poisoning

Poisoning can lead to excessive drooling in dogs. For instance, ingestion of chocolate or onions can cause drooling and seizures as symptoms of poisoning. Many foods are dangerous for dogs, and the caffeine in chocolate can cause overstimulation, leading to drooling and seizures.

3 Ways to Identify Potentially Illness-Related Drooling

1. Drool That Won’t Stop

If your dog’s drooling is not just excessive but also dripping continuously, it may indicate a health issue. Potential causes include:

  • Heatstroke
  • Gastric dilation-volvulus (bloat)
  • Motion sickness

Persistent drooling can also occur due to extreme stress or fear. If there are other symptoms or if the cause is unclear, consult a veterinarian.

2. Foamy Drool

Drool that contains bubbles might suggest:

  • Accidental ingestion of pesticides or chemicals
  • Neurological issues
  • Respiratory or cardiovascular diseases
  • Gastric dilation-volvulus (bloat)
  • Motion sickness
  • Pancreatitis

If the cause is unknown, it could indicate a serious condition. Seek veterinary care promptly.

3. Foul-Smelling Drool

Foul-smelling drool may point to specific health problems:

  • Acetone-like odor: Might suggest diabetes, which can cause bad breath due to dehydration.
  • Ammonia-like odor: Could indicate kidney failure or uremia, where toxins build up in the body.
  • Sour odor: May be a sign of gastritis or excessive stomach acid. Accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, it could point to gastrointestinal issues.

If drool is discolored, thick, or contains blood, it may be a sign of illness. Early veterinary consultation is advised.


In this discussion, we explained the reasons why dogs drool, potential diseases associated with drooling, and how to distinguish between them. Generally, drooling in dogs is often not a cause for concern, but it can sometimes indicate a health issue.

If you notice that your dog’s drooling might be related to a potential illness, it is important to have them examined by a veterinarian promptly.

How many times a day should a dog eat?

How many times a day should you feed your dog? Many dog owners are concerned about the appropriate feeding frequency.

Therefore, in this article, we will explain the recommended feeding frequency based on the age and health status of dogs, including puppies, adult dogs, and senior dogs

  1. Feeding Frequency Varies by Age
  2. Puppy Feeding FrequencyKey
  3. Adult Dog Feeding Frequency
  4. Senior Dog Feeding Frequency
  5. Things to Check When Deciding or Changing Your Dog’s Meal Frequency
  6. Summary

The appropriate feeding frequency varies by age

The appropriate feeding frequency for dogs changes throughout their lives. Puppies, with their underdeveloped digestive systems and small bodies, generally need to be fed three or more small meals a day. Adult dogs, with mature digestive systems and higher activity levels, typically require feeding twice a day. Senior dogs, whose activity levels decrease and digestive functions decline, may need to have their meals reduced to once a day. Owners should adjust the feeding frequency according to their dog’s age and condition.

Puppy Feeding Frequency

The age at which a dog reaches adulthood varies by breed. Generally, small breeds reach adulthood between 6 to 8 months, medium breeds between 9 to 10 months, and large breeds between 12 to 18 months. During the puppy stage, it is typical to feed dogs 3 to 4 times a day.

Reasons Why Puppies Need More Frequent Meals Than Adult Dogs

Small Body Size and Limited Capacity: Puppies have small bodies and cannot eat large quantities at once.

Underdeveloped Digestive System: Puppies have immature digestive systems and weak digestive abilities, making it harder for them to process and digest food.

Increased Energy Needs During Growth: Growing puppies require more energy than adult dogs to support their development and increase their weight and size.

It is important for pet owners to understand these factors well and to manage their dog’s diet, exercise, and overall care effectively to ensure their pet’s health and well-being

Key Points When Feeding Puppies

Puppies require more energy and calories compared to adult dogs due to their growth and activity levels. The appropriate amount of food changes as they grow, so it’s important to weigh your puppy weekly and adjust the daily food amount accordingly.

Even when increasing the amount of food, puppies have underdeveloped digestive systems. Feeding them too much at once can lead to vomiting or diarrhea. Observe how much your puppy can comfortably eat at each meal and adjust the feeding frequency to ensure they receive appropriate nutrition without digestive issues.

Adult Dog Feeding Frequency

After the first year of life, adult dogs become more mature both physically and mentally, becoming more active and energetic. They also start to make their own decisions and learn various things. Since it takes approximately 12 hours for dogs to digest dry food, it is appropriate to feed them twice a day with a 12-hour interval between meals.

Key Points When Feeding Adult Dogs

After 6 months of age, a dog’s digestive system matures, allowing them to eat larger amounts of food at once. Therefore, to reduce the risk of digestive issues, you should decrease the number of meals per day and increase the amount given per meal compared to when they were a puppy. However, for small breeds that can only eat small amounts at a time, you may need to increase the number of meals per day to alleviate the burden on their digestive system.

In such cases, a slow feeder dog bowl can be a great tool. These bowls are designed to slow down your dog’s eating pace by incorporating obstacles or complex patterns. This can help in several ways:

  1. Preventing Overeating: By making your dog eat more slowly, slow feeders can help manage portion sizes and prevent overeating.
  2. Reducing Digestive Problems: Slower eating reduces the risk of digestive issues like bloating or gas, which are common when dogs eat too quickly.
  3. Improving Nutrient Absorption: Eating more slowly allows better chewing and digestion, which can enhance nutrient absorption.
  4. Providing Mental Stimulation: The design of slow feeders also engages your dog’s mind, providing mental enrichment.

Overall, a slow feeder bowl can be especially helpful for dogs that need to eat smaller, more frequent meals, ensuring they eat at a comfortable pace and maintain good digestive health.

As dogs reach adulthood, their energy requirements decrease compared to their puppy stage. Continuing to feed them the same amount of food as during their puppy years can lead to weight gain and obesity. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the amount of food per weight and adjust to the appropriate quantity. Conversely, for highly active dogs, reducing food intake too much can lead to weight loss. It is important to manage food quantity and weight appropriately according to your dog’s condition.

Feeding Frequency for Senior Dogs

Generally, the age at which dogs are considered senior is around 8 years for small and medium-sized breeds. Large breeds are considered senior a bit earlier, around 7 years of age.

As dogs age, their energy requirements decrease due to reduced activity levels and decreased digestive function. Therefore, many owners consider switching to senior dog food. Senior dogs may also eat less, and their appetite can fluctuate based on changes in activity level and health status. It is important to closely observe your dog and adjust their food quantity and content as needed. Since senior dogs have lower activity levels, you may need to reduce their food intake compared to when they were adults.

As long as your dog remains healthy and has a good appetite, feeding them twice a day is generally sufficient. For dogs with digestive issues or decreased stamina, dividing their meals into 3 to 4 smaller servings per day can help reduce the burden on their digestive system.

Key Points When Feeding Senior Dogs

Senior dogs may experience decreased digestive function, which can reduce the amount they can eat at one time and potentially lead to inadequate calorie intake over the day. In such cases, it is beneficial to decrease the amount of food given at each meal and increase the number of meals per day.

Dogs with weakened teeth or dental issues may have reduced appetite. Therefore, pay attention to the hardness of the food, and if necessary, crush or soak it to make it easier for them to eat. Using easily digestible wet food or soup-based food is also recommended.

Additionally, it is important to adjust the content of their diet based on their health condition:

  • For Constipation: Increase dietary fiber.
  • For Internal Health Issues: Reduce protein intake.

Adjust the quantity and content of your dog’s meals based on their daily condition, appetite, and activity level to ensure they receive appropriate nutrition.

Things to Check When Deciding or Changing Your Dog’s Feeding Frequency

Is Your Dog Experiencing Soft Stools or Constipation?

One indicator of your dog’s health is the condition of their stool. Ideally, stools should be well-formed, not easily broken apart when picked up with paper, and should leave only a slight mark on the pet pad. Soft stools that break apart easily when picked up are considered loose stools, while hard stools that leave no residue on paper or pet pads are considered constipated.

Most dogs will have bowel movements at least once a day if their appetite is normal. If you notice a decrease in the frequency of bowel movements compared to usual, it might indicate constipation. To monitor your dog’s health, make it a habit to check their stool daily for signs of loose stools, hard stools, or constipation.

In the Case of Soft Stools

    It seems that the large amount of food may be causing digestive issues. As a solution, try reducing the amount of food given in one meal and observe the results.

    If the stool is dry, pebble-like, and hard

    It may be that the amount of food is too little. Try gradually increasing the food amount while observing the stool

    In the case of constipation

    If the diet is the cause, it might be due to insufficient dietary fiber. Additionally, dehydration can also lead to constipation. Consider switching to food that contains an adequate amount of dietary fiber, and if you feel that water intake is low, try soaking dry food to increase moisture.

    Are they vomiting stomach acid due to hunger?

      If they vomit a whitish, frothy liquid (stomach acid) after some time has passed since eating, it could be due to energy deficiency from hunger. When there is a long period of hunger, stomach acid can be secreted even without food, which may irritate the stomach lining and cause vomiting.

      In this case, it would be beneficial to increase the amount of food to shorten the time they are hungry.

      If vomiting occurs frequently in the early morning, you might try dividing the evening meal into two parts and shifting the last meal to a later time than usual


      The number of meals a dog needs can vary depending on their life stage, health condition, and individual characteristics. Generally, adult dogs do well with two meals per day. For puppies or senior dogs with weaker digestive systems, more frequent, smaller meals may be beneficial for easier digestion and more efficient nutrient absorption.

      When determining your dog’s meal frequency and quantity, factors such as stool condition and the length of time they go hungry should be considered. Regularly monitor their stool and overall condition, and adjust accordingly to achieve optimal results.

      Just like humans, dogs have individual differences. It is best to tailor their meal frequency and portion size based on their life stage, health, and overall needs.

      How to stop a dog from biting

      Dogs are naturally curious animals that enjoy chewing and biting on things.

      When left alone, many dogs may cause trouble by making holes in cushions or chewing on chair legs. Not only can this damage your furniture, but there’s also the worry that they might swallow the things they’ve chewed on.

      Ideally, we want to correct such chewing habits.

      In this article, we will discuss how to address your dog’s chewing habits and the reasons why they might be chewing in the first place..

      Things Dogs Want to Chew

      To prevent your dog from chewing on things, the best solution is to keep items that might attract them out of their reach.

      So, what kinds of things do dogs prefer to chew on?

      In this section, we’ll introduce some common household items that are likely to attract your dog’s attention.

      electrical cords

      One of the most common items that dogs tend to chew on is electrical cords, such as those from electronic devices. Just like how rope toys are popular, long items can stimulate a dog’s hunting instincts.

      Particularly, charging cables for phones and games are used frequently and are often left plugged in or forgotten on the sofa. Additionally, many electrical cords, like those for TVs or electric blankets, are immovable, making them easy targets for dogs.

      If a dog chews on an electrical cord while it’s in use, there is a risk of electric shock, so caution is necessary. To prevent this, store cords in places where your dog cannot access them, or use cable boxes designed to deter chewing, keeping them out of your dog’s sight.

      Stuffed animals and cushions, etc

      Next, dogs often chew on stuffed animals and cushions. These items are made of soft materials, making them easy for dogs to grab with their mouths. Additionally, the fact that stuffing can come out of them is another reason why dogs are tempted to chew on them.

      Dogs also tend to chew on fabric items like slippers and shoes. To prevent this, make sure not to leave important shoes or slippers out, and consider taking measures to keep your dog from accessing the entryway on their own.

      furniture and sofas

      Dogs may chew on not just small items, but also on larger pieces of furniture such as sofas and chairs.

      In particular, the legs of chairs and sofas are often targeted, and some dogs may leave bite marks on all the chairs in the house. There are even dogs that dig into walls and chew on peeling wallpaper.

      While it’s important to keep items tidy to prevent your dog from chewing on them, there are things you can’t easily move. Therefore, understanding the underlying causes of your dog’s chewing habits and addressing them fundamentally is also crucial.

      Why do they bite people?

      There are various reasons why dogs develop chewing habits.

      Since dogs can’t tell us why they chew, it’s up to us as owners to understand the causes by observing their environment and behavior.

      Here, we’ll outline three main causes of chewing habits.

      Stress and Anxiety

      One reason dogs chew on various objects is due to stress or anxiety. Just like humans, dogs can accumulate stress if they are not getting enough exercise or are living irregularly.

      Additionally, being in an unfamiliar place or being separated from their owner can cause anxiety.

      When dogs experience stress or anxiety, they may exhibit destructive behaviors such as barking, chewing, or damaging things. It’s important to ensure that your dog gets appropriate exercise, sufficient sleep, and has a relaxing environment to help manage their stress and anxiety.

      Developing a Habit

      Another reason dogs chew on things is that the act of chewing itself can become a habit. Even if the initial cause of chewing is removed, if the chewing behavior has become a habit, it can be challenging to stop.

      If dogs are bored, they may chew on furniture or sofas, so it’s important to engage with them and keep them entertained to prevent boredom.


      A common cause in puppies is “teething.” Puppies typically transition from baby teeth to adult teeth around 5 to 7 months of age. During this time, they may feel discomfort or itchiness in their mouths.

      While this is a temporary issue, if not addressed, it can lead to a persistent chewing habit. Therefore, early intervention is necessary to manage teething-related chewing.

      Measures to Address Dog Biting Habits

      So, how can you stop your dog from biting?

      For owners struggling with chewing habits, we recommend trying the two methods described below.

      These methods may not work immediately for every dog, but with persistence, they can lead to improvement. Therefore, it’s advisable to try them patiently and consistently.

      Stress Relief

      For dogs experiencing stress or anxiety, the best solution is to relieve their stress through exercise and play.

      The amount of exercise required varies by breed, but small dogs generally need at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. If you can’t take them outside often, make sure to play with them indoors.

      Additionally, creating a calm environment for your dog is important. Lower the volume of the TV or music and create a dedicated space where your dog can feel safe and relaxed. This safe haven will help your dog feel secure.

      Playing with Toys

      To satisfy a dog’s chewing urge, using toys is an effective method. One great option is a Treat-Dispensing Chew Toy, which not only engages your dog’s chewing instincts but also provides mental stimulation through rewards.

      When choosing toys, it’s important to pick ones that suit your dog’s needs. For puppies and senior dogs with weaker jaw strength, select smaller and easy-to-grip chew toys.

      Toys come in various materials such as silicone, fabric, and wood. Since dogs have different preferences, choose the material that your dog likes best.

      Also, ensure the toy is the right size. If it’s too large, your dog might become frustrated and stressed, and if it’s too small, there’s a risk of choking. Pay special attention when selecting toys for puppies and large breeds.

      Some dogs prefer being praised by their owners over playing with toys. If your dog plays well with a chew toy, be sure to give them plenty of praise.


      For us as pet owners, a dog’s chewing habit can be quite troublesome.

      However, chewing can also be seen as a sign from your dog. It might indicate that they want:

      • More exercise
      • More playtime
      • Stress relief

      To better understand and address your dog’s needs, make sure to take the time to engage with them when they display troublesome behavior. This way, you can better respond to their needs and help them find healthier outlets for their instincts.

      4 Top Dental Problems in Dogs

      Dogs are prone to a variety of dental issues. While periodontal disease is well-known, there are several other conditions and symptoms to be aware of.

      • Dental Health Equals Overall Health
      • 4 Common Dental Problems in Dogs
      • Are You Noticing? Your Dog’s “Pain” and “Discomfort”
      • Behavioral Changes When Dogs Experience Dental Pain
      • 3 Key Points for Preventing Dental Issues
      • Summary

      Dental Health Equals Overall Health

      Did you know that various oral health issues, including periodontal disease, can affect your dog’s overall health?

      The canine mouth hosts approximately 400 different types of bacteria. If dental care is neglected, these bacteria can proliferate and enter the body through any oral wounds. Once inside, these bacteria can circulate throughout the body, potentially leading to the onset or worsening of various illnesses.

      Additionally, poor dental health significantly reduces a dog’s enjoyment of eating and chewing, which can have a negative impact on their mental well-being.

      To ensure your dog enjoys a happy, active, and long life, maintaining their dental and oral health is crucial.

      4 Common Dental Problems in Dogs

      Here are four dental issues in dogs that you should pay special attention to:

      1. Tartar Buildup

      Tartar is the result of “dead bacteria and other substances that have calcified” in the mouth.

      In dogs, plaque can turn into tartar in about 3 to 5 days. Since the bacteria within tartar are already dead, they don’t directly cause inflammation. However, tartar makes the tooth surface uneven, which allows sticky plaque to adhere more easily.

      Plaque buildup on these uneven surfaces can lead to gum inflammation (gingivitis) and eventually progress to periodontal disease.

      Periodontal disease affects about 80% of dogs over the age of 3, and small breeds often develop it by the age of 1. Essentially, plaque and tartar, which are early stages of periodontal disease, are present on most dogs’ teeth.

      2. Broken or Chipped Teeth → Damage to Dental Nerves and Pulp Necrosis

      When a tooth breaks, it’s referred to as “fracture” and the inner part of the tooth containing nerves and blood vessels is known as the “pulp” .

      Despite the strong appearance of dog teeth, fractures and chips are relatively common. Most fractures result from chewing on hard toys or treats, as well as from trauma such as falls or fights.

      When a fracture exposes the pulp, it can lead to bacterial infections, causing swelling and pus in the gums or cheek. In severe cases, pus or bleeding may be observed from the skin or nose.

      Even if a tooth is not visibly broken, it can still suffer internal damage, often resulting in color changes such as pink, blue, or brown.

      3. Cavities (Dental Caries)

      Dogs are less prone to cavities compared to humans due to differences in tooth structure and saliva composition.

      However, the risk of cavities increases if dogs frequently consume carbohydrate-rich foods (such as bread or feces) or foods high in sugar.

      4. Congenital Issues

      Dogs may experience congenital dental issues such as retained baby teeth, having too many or too few teeth, or dental deformities.

      If these conditions do not significantly affect other teeth or the gums, they may not require intervention. However, depending on the severity of the issue, treatment by a veterinarian may be necessary.

      Are You Noticing? Your Dog’s “Pain” and “Discomfort”

      In addition to the dental problems we’ve discussed, there are various other issues that can affect your dog’s teeth. However, a common factor across all these problems is the experience of “pain” and “discomfort.”

      Just as humans can experience significant pain and discomfort when dental health is compromised, dogs feel the same way. They cannot manage their oral health on their own or communicate their distress through words. This means that even if your dog is experiencing severe dental pain, it might go unnoticed until it becomes very severe.

      Regular dental care and vigilance are crucial to prevent dental issues. Observing your dog for any changes in their dental health or signs of pain is essential for early detection and treatment.

      So, what behavioral changes might you notice if your dog is experiencing dental pain?

      Behavioral Changes When Dogs Are Experiencing Dental Pain

      Discomfort When Their Face is Touched

      • Focus on Their Mouth Area
      • Lack of Energy or Appetite
      • Avoidance of Hard Food or Treats
      • Eating Only Small Amounts
      • Increased Sleeping

      If you observe these signs, your dog might be experiencing dental pain.

      Dogs may sometimes hide their discomfort from their owners. Carefully observe for any small changes in their usual behavior. If you suspect your dog is in pain, consult a veterinarian promptly.

      If your dog does not currently have any dental issues, what can you do to prevent future problems?

      3 Key Points for Preventing Dental Issues

      In addition to dogs who do not currently have dental issues, those who have completed dental treatment should also follow these three key points for prevention.

      Regular Brushing

      • Remove plaque, the precursor to tartar, through regular brushing. Effective plaque removal requires the physical action of brushing.
      • Plaque on dog’s teeth can turn into tartar in about 3 to 5 days, and tartar makes it easier for more plaque to accumulate. Therefore, daily brushing is ideal.

      Avoid Overly Hard Foods

      • Even if they have dental benefits, avoid giving dogs overly hard bones or chews that could potentially fracture their teeth. Instead, consider using dental chew toys that are designed to clean teeth without causing damage.

      Regular Dental Check-ups

      Schedule dental check-ups at the veterinary clinic approximately every 3 to 6 months.

      Regular veterinary visits help address issues before they become serious and allow for early intervention if problems do arise. Early detection and treatment can reduce treatment time and lower both the physical burden on your dog and the cost of care.


      How Did You Find the Information on Common Dental Issues in Dogs?

      Even if you’re somewhat familiar with dental problems in dogs, appropriate measures are often not taken.

      Maintaining your dog’s dental health requires the owner’s awareness and proactive care. Regular attention and preventive actions are essential to keep your dog’s teeth and gums in good condition.

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