How to keep your dog healthy?

1.When it comes to diet

In Europe and America, it is said that there are more obese dogs. Some dog treats are also high in calories and salt to increase palatability, so be careful not to give them too many just because they are very cute.

When deciding how much to eat each day, it’s important to consider the balance between diet and exercise.

What should not be eaten?

  • Chocolate (contains theobromine which can lead to heart failure)
  • onions, leeks, chives, rakkyo (contain substances that can destroy red blood cells and cause anemia)
  • foods containing xylitol (triggers insulin secretion in the body leading to hypoglycemia)
  • grapes, raisins (if consumed in large quantities, acute kidney failure)
  • sausages (too salty for dogs, too salty for humans)

Depending on the individual dog, such as allergies and body differences, what they can’t eat and the allowable amounts may vary. Be cautious when giving them something for the first time, start with small portions for them

How to eat

Many dogs gulp down their food when eating, fearing someone might take it away. This is a very bad habit. Food entering the stomach without being chewed properly can increase the burden on the stomach. Moreover, gulping down can lead to swallowing a lot of air, which can result in bloating. If a dog eats too quickly, the owner can buy a slow feeder dog bowl to reduce the dog’s eating speed, preventing indigestion.


  • Dogs instinctively prefer dark and enclosed spaces when resting.Prepare a bed and toilet in a circle or crate. The toilet can be placed in different locations. Place it in a corner of the room, avoiding direct sunlight.
  • Considering the flooring, ensure anti-slip measures for the dog.
  • Choose a doghouse that can be used even when the dog is fully grown; it doesn’t need to be too large. Set up a sheltered area to protect from wind and rain, whether it’s a tent or a fenced enclosure, or tethered to wooden stakes for some freedom of movement.
  • Additionally, be cautious not to place anything potentially dangerous around, especially during the puppy stage, to prevent it from biting or swallowing objects.

A place that needs to be cleaned

Dogs are clean animals. Try to create an environment where you don’t feel stressed.

Loose hair can also lead to an increase in fleas and ticks. Clean it regularly.

This is a place where fleas and ticks might increase. If it gets dirty, wash and dry it in the sunlight.

Leftover food residue and stale water are food sources for bacteria. Clean them regularly.

Dogs, unlike us, cannot communicate their emotions through language. Understanding their feelings is crucial for ensuring a healthy life for your dog. Do not overlook the subtle signs your dog shows.